Since April 2007 FMSNI has provided a facility for Groups within the Province to become partly affiliated with the main charity. As a result of the strengthened bond between these groups, we have had to consider other groups that desired not to affiliate as fully autonomous and operating without the support of FMSNI and as a result we no longer advertise these particular groups. Thus if you are interested in knowing whether a group exists in your area we will only be providing information on those we can be sure are providing a solid service.
Membership of any satellite group does not constitute membership of FMSNI. Please note that in all cases groups are run by those suffering from FM themselves so please respect their privacy and space outside of the times mentioned and don't phone hoping it will be okay. Also understand that there may be times (even for us in FMSNI) where the phone may not be answered because people are ill or having a bad day - again, please be patient. If you can't get access to a group and you have an urgent concern or query, then certainly contact the main charity helpline at any time and if someone is available your call will either be taken or returned.
Fibromyalgia Support North Down & Ards
This group, known as FSNDA, covers most of the North Down & Ards peninsula area and has Lady S Hermon as President. The group is quite dynamic with a large membership and hold regular activities to include the members, family and their friends, has a quarterly Newsletter sent to members and a weekly Fri morning office run by the committee between 11 - 2pm. Those outside the area are welcome to Members meetings held on the third Tuesday of every month at 2pm in Bangor. Has a weekly Thursday craft group, lending library an weekly Wed evening Hydrotherapy pool.
Contact: (weekdays/daytime) for further details or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. website:
North Belfast
NEW group which will start on January 27, 2010. They hope to meet on the last Wed of each month at 7 pm, in the Sacred Heart Parochial Hall on the Oldpark Road Belfast.
Contact: Sister Carmel on after 11 am
East Belfast
This groups is open to East Belfast residents preferably and they meet monthly.
Contact: Joan on (Weekdays 10am-12noon) No evening calls.
New group so few details available just yet.
Contact: FMSNI Office at the Vine Centre for further info.
North West Group
This group was developed in response to the growing number of people with the diagnosis in the area. They meet in Coleraine and hold regular monthly meetings and other events where possible. Visitors scheme in operation on demand.
Contact: Debbie on (Tues/Thurs between 7pm - 10pm)
Meets reguarly at the Ballykeel Business Centre, Crebilly Road (2nd left past Tesco entrance). Everyone welcome.
Contact: Caroline Campbell on .
Lisburn Group
Lisburn Group - meets 1st Thurs monthly from 11am - 1pm in The Bridge Community Centre, Railway Street, Lisburn. Everyone welcome.
Contact: Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Newry & Mourne ME/Fibromyalgia Support Group...
Monthly meetings on the FIRST Tuesday of every month in The Mourne Country Hotel, Newry. 7-9PM.
All patients, carers, family and friends welcome.
New start group for fibro support.
New start group for fibro support.
If you are interested in the idea of perhaps setting up a group in your own area, and you live further than 20 miles from any of those listed above, please contact Debbie through the contact list or phone the main charity line and discuss your interest with her.
Although ALL groups operate autonomously, FMSNI prefers to have knowledge of, and work with them where possible.
FMSNI is NOT responsible for the actions or operation of any group listed here.
For a full list of the UK Groups - please visit the FMA UK Site here
For information on groups in Southern Ireland see menu.