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There are a limited number of Consultant Rheumatologists in Northern Ireland and most are concentrated in the larger towns and cities i.e. Belfast and Londonderry. The list following is current and will be updated regularly, but should give you some guidelines to requesting a referral from your GP. Please note we have no knowledge of individual waiting lists or hospital policy on referrals, so check with your GP first and please don't contact the doctors directly at the hospital, as they will be unable to give you any help until they have a letter from your own doctor. A (P) after a name means the Consultant has a private practice also.

**If you have information pertaining to other Rheumatologists not mentioned or spot errors in the info  here please let me know so that I can update this list more fully - thanks.** 

Dr. G. Wright

Works in the Royal and MPH also.  Trained with Prof. Finch (now MPH) and has a good knowledge of fibromyalgia through his association with FMSNI at that time.   Been involved in minimal research projects also.   Unsure if he has a private practice.


Dr, M. Henry


Began with RVH in Dec 2011.  As above - works between RVH & MPH.  Also trained with Prof. Finch so has keen interest in fibromyalgia.  Waiting lists are reasonable.   No info on private practice as yet.


Dr Alistair Taggart

Operates both in the City Hospital and Musgrave Park Hospital in Belfast. Like Dr Finch he tends to have a long NHS waiting list, but can be seen privately within a month or so.


Dr. Henry

Husband to Dr. Henry working in the Royal Dr. Henry also has a keen interest in fibromyalgia. 


Dr E Whitehead

Based in Antrim Area Hospital and is also very empathetic towards those with FM.


Dr P Gardiner

Operates from Altnagelvin Hospital primarily but also covers the Erne Hospital in Enniskillen and Tyrone County Hospital in Omagh.  Dr. Gardiner has a good working knowledge of FMS and has produced a website giving info on fibromyalgia as well as the other rheumatic conditions. 


Dr A Bell

Works both from Musgrave Park Hospital and Belfast City Hospital and has a keen interest in all rheumatic conditions including FMS.


Dr J Lee

Based in Craigavon Area Hospital has a keen interest in people suffering from FM but may also have a long waiting list


Dr R. McKane

Dr McKane is the main Consultant Rheumatologist in the Ulster Hospital, although that's not his primary speciality so like the others, has a very heavy workload. He works closely in conjunction with the Ulster Hospital's Pain Clinic and many of those with long-standing painful conditions such as FM may be referred there.



Royal Victoria Hospital, Grosvenor Road, Belfast  BT12 6BA Tel: . 

Belfast City Hospital, Lisburn Road, Belfast:  Tel:
Ulster Hospital, Dundonald:  Tel:
Antrim Area Hospital, 45 Bush Road, Antrim:  Tel:
Musgrave Park Hospital, Stockman's Lane, Belfast:  Tel:
Craigavon Area Hospital, 68 Lurgan Road, Portadown:  Tel:
Altnagelvin Hospital, Glenshane Road, Londonderry  Tel:
Erne Hospital, Cornagrade Road, Enniskillen  Tel:
Tyrone County Hospital, Hospital Road, Omagh  Tel:

If you require information on other consultants not listed here - head to Find me a Doctor  for details of other UK doctors..

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