Fibromyalgia Support N. Ireland Forum

Fibromyalgia Support => Benefit Issues => Topic started by: FMSNI on May 16, 2003, 12:18:39 PM

Title: Benefits sites for you
Post by: FMSNI on May 16, 2003, 12:18:39 PM
Benefits and Work ( site - absolutely THE best one around at the minute, not just for its superb information, but also a thriving forum similar to this one, which provides up-to-the-minute updates on legislation and DLA activities.  If you take out membership you get access to many more in-depth articles and reports, but not really necessary for those not going through tribunals etc.   They'll also help you get sources of more info if you ask them - dead friendly bunch, who I used for my own DLA reassessment this year, and WON!   :thumbs: (  Social Services N. Ireland site on benefits - gives info on others besides DLA. ( DLA Handbook - excellent resource but heavy going. Be warned. Print off as much as you can and read at your leisure I would suggest

Dept of Work & Pensions - DLA info ( this is the primary site to head to for any benefit info - this is the agency who've taken over all benefit management and who're also actively involved in the APPG on fibro at parliament level. Dr. Alyward who is a top guy here also attended and spoke at last years FMAUK conference - so they're more than well informed on our problems. This site will give you access to absolutely everything connected to ALL benefits available. Again heavy going in places but worth the trawl and one to definitely bookmark.  ( is a NEW and interesting link to the Law Center in N. I. where we refer a lot of our benefit appeal/tribunal cases. Interesting as they provide case histories so you can read how others got through cases that may be similar to your own in certain respects. ( - this is another NEW and vital site. If you are just starting out on your tribunal process - this is one site you'll want to check in with. Having said that, after doing so, you'll probably feel you want to give up entirely but DON'T!!! The one important thing this site does do is to show just how complex a benefit DLA is and how difficult it is for all concerned in making decisions on it - which is exactly why so many errors occur and problems arise. So bookmark it and dip in and out if need be. Definitely more one for the legal brains but still - a useful one in my book. ( This takes you to a list of all the pertinent Tribunal decisions made on cases involving FMS in N  Ireland within the past 2-3 years or so.  When clicking on a link choose the Open rather than save if you wish to view online.

I'll add more in as I find them, but don't want to overload the msg board with links which might be better placed on the website. So please just check both places if you can't find what you're after - or ask - many others have tons of sites saved from their own trawls on the net.  Also please note - usually I put links in under short names but have left the links as they are here as it will then allow you to easily see whether you may already have visited.

Please note that the links have all now been updated as some of these sites have been upgrading like ourselves.
New for 2005 - Disability Now Magazine article ( - excellent.  Worth having a look round their entire site as there's tons there on all sorts of subjects.

Romayne  :-B  
Title: Re: Benefits sites for you
Post by: ryroma on April 22, 2010, 03:17:03 PM
i found a helpful site i thought it might be of use to someone so i am posting it here i found it when looking for information on helping my appeal
Title: Re: Benefits sites for you
Post by: ryroma on April 23, 2010, 08:12:03 AM
 :oops: i am sorry the link i posted is for america. there was a uk version but i cant find it now . the american one still makes good reading though :oops: